1. Heat Transfer in Additive Manufacturing
Heat transfer plays a key role in metal- and polymer-based additive manufacturing (AM) processes. We carry out experimental measurements of thermal transport during AM processes, which we complement with rigorous theoretical modeling and simulations. We also carry out experiments to understand the process-microstructure-property relationships in additively manufactured parts, particularly in the context of heat transfer properties.
Recent Related Publications
1. Ravoori, D., Prajapati, H., Jain, A., ‘Investigation of process-structure-property relationships in polymer extrusion based additive manufacturing through in situ high speed imaging and thermal conductivity measurements,’ Additive Manufacturing, 23, pp. 132-139, 2018. pdf
2. Prajapati, H., Ravoori, D., Woods, R.L., Jain, A., ‘Measurement of anisotropic thermal conductivity and inter-layer thermal contact resistance in polymer fused deposition modeling (FDM),’ Additive Manufacturing, 21, pp. 84-90, 2018. pdf
3. Ravoori, D., Lowery, C., Prajapati, H., Jain, A., ‘Experimental and theoretical investigation of heat transfer in platform bed during polymer extrusion based additive manufacturing,’ in review, 2018.
2. Coupled, multi-physics phenomena in electrochemical energy conversion devices
Energy conversion and storage in Li-ion cells is a highly coupled, multiphysics phenomena of much technological importance, due to applications in electric vehicles, electronics and defense systems. We are carrying out experiments to understand thermal transport in Li-ion cells. We are also developing integrated models to understand the interactions between thermal, electrical and electrochemical phenomena in Li-ion cells.
Recent Related Publications
1. Vishwakarma, V., Jain, A., ‘Enhancement of thermal transport in Gel-Polymer Electrolytes with embedded BN/Al2O3 nano- and micro-particles,’ J. Power Sources, 362, pp. 219-227, 2017. pdf
2. Anthony, D., Wong, D., Wetz, D., Jain, A., ‘Improved thermal performance of a Li-ion cell through heat pipe insertion,’ J. Electrochem. Soc., 164, pp. A961-967, 2017. pdf
3. Shah, K., Chalise, ,D., Jain, A., ‘Experimental and theoretical analysis of a method to predict thermal runaway in Li-ion cells,’ J. Power Sources, 330, pp. 167-174, 2016. pdf
4. Vishwakarma, V., Waghela, C., Wei, Z., Prasher, R., Nagpure, S.C., Li, J., Liu, F., Daniel, C., Jain, A., ‘Heat transfer enhancement in a Lithium-ion cell through improved material-level thermal transport,’ J. Power Sources , 300, pp. 123-131, 2015. pdf
5. Vishwakarma, V., Jain, A., ‘Measurement of in-plane thermal conductivity and heat capacity of separator in Li-ion cells using a transient DC heating method’, J. Power Sources, 272, pp. 378-385, 2014. pdf
6. Shah, K., Drake, S.J., Wetz, D.A., Ostanek, J.K., Miller, S.P., Heinzel, J.M., Jain, A., ‘An experimentally validated transient thermal model for cylindrical Li-ion cells’, J. Power Sources, 271, pp. 262-268, 2014. pdf
7. Drake, S.J., Wetz, D.A., Ostanek, J.K., Miller, S.P., Heinzel, J.M., Jain, A., ‘Measurement of anisotropic thermophysical properties of cylindrical Li-ion cells,’ J. Power Sources, 252, pp. 298-304,2014. pdf
3. Thermal transport in 3D ICs
Heat dissipation in three-dimensional integrated circuits is a significant technological challenge, which has contributed to the relative lack of wide adoption of this technology despite a tremendous amount of research in past decade or two. We are carrying out experiments to measure key thermal characteristics of 3D ICs and are developing analytical models to understand thermal transport in a 3D IC.
Recent Related Publications
1. Luhar, S., Sarkar, D., Jain, A., ‘Steady state and transient analytical modelling of non-uniform convective cooling of a microprocessor chip due to jet impingement,’ Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 110, pp. 768-777, 2017. pdf
2. Choobineh, L., Jain, A., ‘An explicit analytical model for rapid computation of temperature field in a three-dimensional integrated circuit (3D IC)’, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 87, pp. 103-109, 2015. pdf
3. Choobineh, L., Jain, A. ‘Analytical solution for steady-state and transient temperature field in vertically integrated three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs)’, IEEE Trans Components & Packaging Technologies, 2(12), pp. 2031-2039, 2012.pdf
4. Jain, A., Jones, R.E., Chatterjee, R., Pozder, S., Huang, Z., ‘Analytical and numerical modeling of the thermal performance of three-dimensional integrated circuits’, IEEE Trans. Components & Packaging Technologies, 33(1), pp. 56-63, 2010.pdf
4. Thermal transport in biological microsystems
Despite the remarkable temperature sensitivity of organisms, only very limited work has been carried out on understanding thermal effects of biological microsystems such as cells, and macromolecules such as DNA and proteins. In a series of experiments, we are seeking to utilize microfabricated heater structures to thermally probe cells, DNA and proteins.
Recent Related Publications
1. Javed, A., Iqbal, S., Jain, A., ‘Microheater platform for selective detachment of DNA’, Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 093707, 2012. pdf
2. Black, B., Vishwakarma, V., Dhakal, K., Bhattarai, S., Pradhan, P., Jain, A., Kim, Y-T., Mohanty, S., ‘Spatial temperature gradients guide axonal outgrowth,’ Scientific Reports , 6, pp. 29786:1-12, 2016. pdf
3. Gu, L., Black, B., Ordonez, S., Mondal, A., Jain, A., Mohanty, S., ‘Microfluidic control of axonal guidance’, Scientific Reports, 4, pp. 6457:1-6, 2014. pdf
4. Jain, A., Goodson, K.E., ‘Thermal microdevices for biological and biomedical applications’, J. Thermal Biol., 36(4), 2011, pp. 209-218.pdf
5. Temperature measurement techniques
We have an interest in understanding and developing temperature measurement methods, both for microsystems as well as for more conventional engineering systems. We are developing remote, non-intrusive temperature measurement techniques for engineering systems. We are also currently involved in a collaborative project for distributed, wireless measurement of temperature in power plant boilers.
Recent Related Publications
1. Anthony, D., Sarkar, D., Jain, A., ‘Non-invasive, transient determination of the core temperature of a heat-generating solid body,’ Scientific Reports, 6, 35886:1-10, 2016. pdf
2. Anthony, D., Sarkar, D., Jain, A., ‘Contactless, non-intrusive core temperature measurement of a solid body in steady-state,’ Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 101, pp. 779-788, 2016. pdf
3. Yao, J., Tchafa, F.E.M., Jain, A., Tjuatja, S., Huang, H., ‘Far-field interrogation of microstrip patch antenna for temperature sensing without electronics,’ IEEE Sensors J., 16, pp. 7053-7060, 2016. pdf
6. Analytical methods in heat transfer
We have continuing interest in applying analytical methods for understanding heat transfer in engineering and biological systems. In the recent past, we have contributed towards theoretical heat transfer analysis in Li-ion cells, multi-layer bioheat transfer, porous bodies and species diffusion in Li-ion cells.
Recent Related Publications
1. Anthony, D., Sarkar, D., Jain, A., ‘Non-invasive, transient determination of the core temperature of a heat-generating solid body,’ Scientific Reports, 6, 35886:1-10, 2016. pdf
2. Sarkar, D., Shah, K., Haji-Sheikh, A., Jain, A., ‘Analytical modeling of temperature distribution in an anisotropic cylinder with circumferentially-varying convective heat transfer’, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 79, pp. 1027-1033, 2014. pdf
3. Shah, K., Drake, S.J., Wetz, D.A., Ostanek, J.K., Miller, S.P., Heinzel, J.M., Jain, A., ‘An experimentally validated transient thermal model for cylindrical Li-ion cells’, J. Power Sources, 271, pp. 262-268, 2014. pdf
4. Sarkar, D., Haji-Sheikh, A., Jain, A., ‘Analytical temperature distribution in a multi-layer tissue structure in the presence of a tumor’, Proc. ASME IMECE, San Diego, CA, Nov, 2013.