Recent News (not updated for a while!) |
[Jan 2018] Dr. Jain receives the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Excellence in Teaching Award. [Sep 2017] Dr. Jain is invited by US National Academy of Sciences to participate in the 5th Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine symposium at Rabat, Morocco. This symposium brings together leading young researchers from both regions for interdisciplinary presentations and discussions. [June 2016] Dr. Jain co-organizes the Indo-US Workshop on Multiphysics Phenomena in Li-ion Batteries. [Feb 2016] Dr. Jain receives the NSF CAREER Award for research and education on thermal transport in electrochemical energy conversion devices. [Sep 2015] Lab alumna Leila Choobineh has accepted a tenure-track faculty position at SUNY Poly. [Sep 2015] Dr. Jain, together with Dr. Minary (UTD) and Dr. Balandin (UCR) receives an NSF grant for investigating pyroelectric energy harvesting in nanowires. [April 2015] Divya Chalise and Bilal Ahmed are awarded the Undergraduate Research Fellowship by UTA Honors College. [Dec 2014] Dr. Jain gives an invited talk at the US-India Workshop on Nanoengineering in Medicine, Dec 17-19, 2014 at AIIMS, New Delhi, India. [Aug 2014] Dr. Jain, together with Dr. Haiying Huang receives a DoE grant to investigate remote, wireless monitoring of boiler condition. [July 2014] Dr. Jain, together with Dr. David Wetz receives a DoD DURIP (Defense University Research Instrumentation Program) award. [May 2014] Laura Lopez, Jair Gomez and Chirag Waghela join our lab as undergraduate research assistants during summer. [May 2014] Arya graduates summa cum laude with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, and heads to Stanford University for graduate work. Congrats! [March 2014] Dr. Jain co-taught a short course on thermal and electrical modeling of 3D ICs at SEMI-THERM 2014, San Jose, CA. [December 2013] Dr. Jain co-organized the Indo-US Workshop on Microscale Thermal Transport at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Ropar, India. [November 2013] Dr. Jain receives the 2013 ASME Electronics & Photonics Division (EPPD) Young Engineer Award for Outstanding Contributions as a Young Engineer to the Field of Electronics and Photonics Packaging. [September 2013] Arya Banait receives an NSF Travel Award to attend IMECE 2013. She is one of only 45 undergraduates from throughout the country selected for this Award. Congratulations! [August 2013] Dr. Jain, together with Dr. David Wetz receives a one-year ONR grant for research on electrochemical energy storage devices. [June 2013] Dr. Jain, together with Dr. David Wetz and Thermavant Inc. receives an SBIR Phase I award from ONR on thermal management of Li-ion batteries. [June 2013] Jared Jones joins the lab as a summer undergraduate research student. [April 2013] Dr. Jain is selected as a 2013 AFOSR Summer Faculty Fellow. [April 2013] Arya Banait receives the highly competitive Honors College Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) Award. Congrats! [March 2013] Dr. Jain is appointed Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technologies. [February 2013] Dr. Jain receives workshop funding from Indo US Science & Technology Forum. [September 2012] Dr. Jain receives a three-year grant from National Science Foundation (NSF) for research on thermal phenomena in 3D ICs. [September 2012] Leila passes her Diagnostic Examination with flying colors. Congratulations! [August 2012] Daipayan Sarkar and Vivek Vishwakarma join the laboratory as Ph.D. students. Welcome! [July 2012] Dr. Jain is awarded the ONR-ASEE summer faculty fellowship. Dr. Jain spends summer of 2012 as a visiting faculty researcher in the Sensors and Materials Branch at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. [June 2012] Annas Javed successfully defends his M.S. thesis titled “Design, Microfabrication and Characterization of a Microheater Platform for Studying DNA-Surface Interactions”. Annas joins Qualcomm in San Diego, CA. Congratulations! [February 2012] Dr. Ankur Jain gives an invited talk on Thermal Management of 3D ICs at Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, TX. [October 2011] Annas Javed wins the CONTACT Student Travel Grant. Congratulations! [September 2011] Leila Choobineh and Annas Javed join the Microscale Thermophysics Laboratory. Welcome! [August 2011] Dr. Ankur Jain joins the University of Texas at Arlington as Assistant Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. |